Sponsor Search

The research team I work with found, through FullStory, that we were losing users on sign-up when they had to select a sponsor. We require users to have an affiliate associated with their account to credit for the purchases they make. Currently, a user has to know the unique sponsor ID number. This project was directed at solving that problem.

A quick discovery workshop helped determine we would move forward with an idea to allow a user to search for an affiliate by name or email, or be assigned a sponsor if they don’t already know someone. This quick and easy solution is expected to increase our sign ups 30%.

Sponsor Search

Problem: Nu Skin require users to have an affiliate associated with their account to credit for the purchases they make. A user has to know the unique sponsor ID number and they would abandon sign up at that point when they didn’t know the ID number for their sponsoring affiliate.

Our goal: Keep users on the sign-up process until it is completed and allow them to easily complete the thing they came to do.

Our solution: A quick discovery workshop helped decide we would move forward with an idea to allow a user to search for an affiliate by name or email, or be assigned a sponsor if they don’t already know someone. This quick and easy solution is expected to increase our sign ups 30%.

My role: Lead UX designer

My team: A user researcher who found the consistent pattern of sign-up abandons at sponsor ID via FullStory, other UX designers who participated in discovery, a data engineer who would be building the feature.

From discovery and ideation.

Our user and the designed solution.

Our user is someone familiar with Nu Skin products who has seen or met a seller before. Maybe they saw an Instagram reel where a product was shared and they decided they want to purchase it. They start to go through sign-up and realize they can give credit to the Instagram poster, even though they have never really spoken.

By explaining what the sponsor ID is and allowing a new user to search for it by a sponsors name or email instead of having to reach out and ask for it, we presume that they will continue in their sign-up process and complete their purchase. Our designed solution went through privacy and legal teams as well to make sure we met all minimum requirements.